Groupe 503 is an interclub of hikers, affiliated to the French Hiking Federation under number 09750 and an active member of the Union des Audax® de France under number 03216, open to all people and clubs in the Seine and Marne and neighboring areas. Created at the end of 2013, it brings together 47 licensees (situation February 2020) currently coming from around twenty club-associations with the aim of participating in Audax® Brevets over distances of 25 to 150 km.
To reach this level, Groupe 503 provides training every Thursday and 2 Saturdays per month in the department so that they are accessible to all clubs. All FFR licensees are welcome.
The 503 Group has obtained accreditation from the UAF to organize and issue Audax® Patents.
In 2019, he is the holder of the Baudouin ROSSIUS cup, which rewards the Île de France club that has covered the most kilometers during patents in France.
The Audax is defined as a sporting test of regularity and endurance at an imposed pace
(6 km / h) driven by a road captain. The latter regulates the speed of the group and no one should exceed it. Excluding any notion of competition, this practice develops team spirit and solidarity through our motto:
"to leave together, to come back together"
The contribution of the group 503 is 15 €. (Season 2020/2021) Non-licensees can acquire an FFR license through the 503 Group at their expense, for which we ensure registration.
If you want to walk:
• Over distances of 25 km and more at an average speed of 6 km / h,
• Whether you are individuals or club licensees,
Find out more, come see us and give it a try at Groupe 503.